An Online Textile Exhibition Connecting
Japanese Fabric Manufacturers and Buyers

Boost Your Brand Value
with the Highest-Quality Japanese Fabrics

High-Quality Japanese Fabrics,
Traditional Techniques and Materials,
Commitment to Quality

Japan has long used traditional methods to produce high-quality textiles.
The production of a single fabric is divided into separate jobs done by craftspeople who specialize in each step of the process, such as twisting, dyeing, and treatment.
The craftspeople responsible for each step employ traditional techniques passed down through generations.
This careful preservation of traditional methods and meticulous craftsmanship is said to not only express a uniquely Japanese texture but symbolize the delicate sensibilities of Japanese people and the profoundness of Japanese culture.


About Kiziarai

A B2B Platform Connecting Japanese Suppliers
with Buyers Around the World

Kiziarai is a free online textile exhibition that aims to solve issues in the textile industry.
All buyers can use this website to find high-quality Japanese fabrics and even request swatches or make inquiries with suppliers.
Also, there are no brokerage fees when textiles are bought or sold through this site to provide greater flexibility in procurement.
We hope you'll find your ideal fabric with Kiziarai.


A B2B Platform Connecting Buyers
and Japanese Textile Producers



Apparel / Trading /
Wholesale / Interior Decoation /
Bags / Materials

Direct Message
Swatch Request
Search for Fabric by Sending Photos


Textile Makers / Converters

Purchase Fabric Data
直接交渉の機会 信頼性の高い連携 迅速な対応
Opportunities for Direct Negotiations Transactions with High Reliability Fast Response
Buyers and suppliers can communicate directly with each other to negotiate fabric prices or place custom orders more smoothly. Transactions can be made according to buyers' preferences. The suppliers listed on our website are carefully screened, reputable businesses so buyers needn't worry about product quality or making transactions. Buyers' questions and requests will receive direct responses from suppliers, while negotiations and purchases can also be done directly. Business can be done smoothly without going through a middleman.

Sign Up is Free!
There are No Brokerage Fees


In addition, we will send you emails with useful content,
such as new fabric arrivals and sale information!

Can't find the fabric you want?
Request it Using a Reference Photo

If you're searching our website but can't find the fabric you want or have a very specific type of textile in mind, you can always make a request to suppliers.
When you can't find what you're looking for through searching, just try our site's easy-to-use Message Function to directly ask suppliers so they can show you textiles that are closest to the look and feel of what you would like.
By sending them a photo of your desired fabric in the message, they can flexibly help you find the textile you're looking for.

Fabric Request Icon





No Fees

With Fees


Unlimited Choices

Limited Choices


Corporations/Sole Proprietor

Individuals/Hobby Users


Unlimited Choices

Limited Choices


Direct/Via Intermediary


SDGs Logo

SDG Oriented

What We Can Do for the World

Reducing and reusing resources and energy are essential challenges in the fashion industry to achieve a sustainable world.
By allowing buyers and suppliers to connect online, Kiziarai is working towards the decarbonization of society by reducing the need for domestic and international business trips, swatch shipments, and waste fabric as well as achieving reductions in limited resources, time, and costs. Moreover, our sister site offers textures that can be used in virtual simulations expected in the future.
This is expected to reduce the need for samples and contribute to the realization of a global SDG society.

Featured Suppliers

Supplier Image
株式会社 アソシエ


Specialty 布帛, 天然繊維, ウール
Supplier Image


Specialty 布帛, カットソー, ジャガード, 天然繊維, リネン, ウール, シルク
Supplier Image


Specialty 布帛, 天然繊維, リネン, インテリア
Supplier Image


Specialty 布帛, インテリア
Supplier Image
小倉織物 株式会社


Specialty 布帛, プリント/P下, ジャガード, シルク, 合繊, アウトドア/スポーツ, インテリア
Supplier Image


Specialty 布帛, 天然繊維, インテリア
Supplier Image
有限会社 紀南莫大小工場


Specialty カットソー, 天然繊維, ウール, シルク
Supplier Image
株式会社 大長


Specialty 天然繊維, リネン, インテリア

How to Use Our Site

Our Simple 5-Step Process

From Sign-Up to Placing an Order

Step 1 Icon

Register a Buyer Account

In order to use our website's services, a free Buyer Account must be registered first. Just head to the Registration Page (takes about 1 minute to complete).

Step 2 Icon

Search for Suppliers and Fabrics

Once your Buyer Account is registered, you can begin searching for textiles. It's easy to search for high-quality Japanese fabrics by category, material, or keywords and find what you're looking for. You can also contact suppliers directly by attaching desired prices and reference photos of the fabric you are looking for.

Step 3 Icon

Contact Suppliers

Once you find a textile you like, you can request a swatch using the 'Swatch Request' button. Or, you can get in touch with a supplier directly to get more information about a fabric or request a quote.

Step 4 Icon

Consider Your Purchase


There are varieties of price ranges and types depending on the supplier. If several similar fabrics have been found, try contacting other suppliers. This way you can find the textile that's perfect for you.

Step 5 Icon

Order Directly from Suppliers

When the desired fabric has been decided, negotiate the price directly with the supplier and proceed with the purchase. If you prefer, rather than buying directly, it is also possible to make purchases by giving the textile's product number to a trading company or sales agent. Our website does not charge brokerage fees on the purchase price of fabric so there is no need to worry when using it.

*Our website is not involved in the transaction process

Our website does not take part in the purchasing process. Buyers and suppliers are meant to negotiate directly to finalize payment and shipping arrangements.

Sign Up is Free!
There are No Brokerage Fees


In addition, we will send you emails with useful content,
such as new fabric arrivals and sale information!

Our Supporters Say

Quote Icon

"The texture of fabrics is something people perceive through their senses, but Japan has technology to quantify this texture, which has been used to guide fabric handling and develop new tactile fabrics. By converting sensory experiences into data, we are entering an era where people can enjoy the texture of clothes in virtual environments.
KIZIARAI integrates such advanced technologies and works to connect fabrics, as texture data, to various business models. We hope that the joy and beauty of fabrics will spread to a wide range of fields."

Supporter Icon

Special Supporter

Mari Inoue

Kobe University Professor

Quote Icon

A system where apparel companies and Japanese fabric manufacturers can not only connect but also utilize the textures of fabrics created by their predecessors in games and videos, enabling fabric manufacturers to generate revenue.

In regions like Kiryu, Japan, there are fabric archives with over 100 years of history. Even Parisian maison brands recognize the richness of these resources. I believe this system can be a great support for Japanese manufacturing regions.

It’s truly a system that inspires dreams.

Supporter Icon

Special Supporter


MATSUO international CO. Executive Officer

Quote Icon

KIZIARAI is an extremely important initiative that has the potential to provide a meaningful environment in the form of a hub of information about Japanese fabric manufacturers that has not been available through sales channels up to now.

I believe that this is necessary for fabric manufacturers to continue to exist and for the informatization of the Japanese textile industry, which would thereby expand the market.

Since 2020, I have engaged in joint development using the university’s patents, and I envision the development of further endeavors that support the revitalization of Japanese fabric production areas.

Supporter Icon

Special Supporter

Masayuki Takatera

Shinshu University
Faculty of Textile Science and Technology
Professor Emeritus

Quote Icon

"The ability to search for a wide variety of fabrics without being limited by production regions, combined with the extensive and easy-to-understand photos, allows us to find fabrics that closely match our vision. It has become an invaluable resource for us.

We use it at the start of each season or when we’re struggling to find specific fabrics.
Thanks to this service, we’ve even started doing business with fabric stores we had never known about before."

Supporter Icon

Special Supporter


qualite designer

Quote Icon

This system will undoubtedly become essential for sustaining and advancing Japan's apparel business in the future.

It is not only a significant initiative for Japan but also the first attempt to properly share this country's remarkable techniques and traditions with the world.

Supporter Icon

Special Supporter


Executive Officer


  • 生地メーカー?コンバーター?問屋?...

  • 自分らしいファッションテイストの選び方

    ファッションの考え方は人それぞれです。 これが正解とか、これが正しいとかは別にないと思います。 ですが「自分の似合うもの」「自分が着たいファッションテイスト」を知ることはとても良いことだと私は思います。

  • アフリカンバティックの魅力

    アフリカンバティックの背景は、時代背景を物語るものであり、アフリカの守り続けていくべき大切な文化なのだと感じました。 夏の暑さも吹き飛ばすような、パワー溢れるアフリカンバティック。 今後は、アフリカにもそのパワーを少しでもお返しできるように・・・と思いながらアフリカンバティックを身に付けていきたいと思います。

Fabric Texture Data Available for Purchase

Fabric Texture KIZI

Permitted for Commercial Use, Seamless, High Resolution

On our sister site Kizi, Fabric Textures can be purchased and used for a variety of purposes, such as printing, design, and video games. Fabric Textures are known for having a high degree of freedom for commercial use and having high resolutions. Using Fabric Textures for digital design simulations not only reduces the need for excessive prototyping and its waste but also reduces the impact on the environment by conserving energy and resources. Also, the profits earned by Kizi are given back to suppliers as a way to support sustainable manufacturing by preserving traditional techniques and protecting producers.

Texture Sample 1 Texture Sample 2 Texture Sample 3 Texture Sample 4 Texture Sample 5 Texture Sample 6 Texture Sample 7 Texture Sample 8 Texture Sample 9

Sign Up is Free!
There are No Brokerage Fees


In addition, we will send you emails with useful content,
such as new fabric arrivals and sale information!